The Notorious Maker, Co-Founder Scalar
February 22, 2023

Show up every day

I can’t remember where, but there’s this phrase I’ve read or heard a while ago and it’s on my mind all the time:

Show up every day

Want to learn something new, but it’s overwhelming? No worries, just do a little every day.

Want to build something huge, but it doesn’t seem feasible? Just start and see it evolve even with a few minutes every day.

Want to solve something, but it’s too complex? Think about it. Even if it’s just for two minutes, as long as you’re doing it every day.

I’m baking bread for two months now. Not now and then, but every single day. On some days, I’m really dedicated to it. On other days, I’m just doing it without thinking about it. But I do it.

It’s awesome how far I’ve come with just a few minutes a day. Can’t wait to stand up tomorrow morning and heat up the oven. :)

What’s your do-it-every-day-thing?